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The only regularly updated Athens Haunts page on the web

The site to see for Halloween, Athens, OU, The Ridges, Spooks, Haunts and other generally interesting things. 

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Update 10-19-05

How to create Fall in Florida [with a hurricane coming] with four easy steps:

1. Burn the following Yankee Candles: Harvest, Pumpkin Pie, McIntosh

2. Turn the AC down

3. Have a beer

4. Put on Army of Darkness

Update 10-12-05

What most people don't realize about Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man is that it isn't your standard movie about eternal life with a grand finale fight to the death between Frankenstein and the Wolf Man.  This is classic horror at it's peak.  Larry Talbot [Lon Chaney Jr.] is seeking death through Dr. Frankenstein's fabled journal.  That's what's so dark about this movie.

-More updates to come as I continue to watch my regimen of classic horror movies through October.


It's almost Homecoming time again.  And you know what that means!

That I get recreational internet service for the first time in almost a month?

No!  Well, that too, but it's coincidental.  It means marching bands, tailgating, football, autumn, old friends, frat floats, and brick streets.  If you're like me, you can't get enough Athens.

Here's an video of the 110 dancing.  Man, I wish my camera captured audio!  The air was electric in front of Baker Center.

I'm reminded of what I was doing last year.  Saturday morning I boarded a train in Manhattan.  Saturday night, I was in Athens.  Two weeks later I was in Florida.  If there was ever a whirlwind time, it was then.

Go Bobcats!



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What you've all been waiting for:




Have Job, Live in Florida.

Check out my resume.